12 Sensual Deep Penetration Sex Positions

12 Sensual Deep Penetration Positions to Spice Up Your Bedroom

Having sex with a partner may cause further anxiety. It also may raise certain questions will penetration like

Will you experience an orgasm too soon?

Is she going to be let down?

It has the sensation of a crapshoot, only with you as the lone shooter. Thankfully, some exercises can help, particularly in the long run, such as the squeeze technique, and the stop-and-start approach.

But what many guys fail to understand is that the way you have sex can affect how quickly you orgasm just as much.

To assist you stay in bed longer and having deep sex, we've put up a list of the finest sex positions you can enjoy with your partner. 

Deep Penetration Positions to Have the Best Sex

Best Position for Having Sex


  • Flatiron

  • The lowered hips provide a low entrance barrier. This one also provides excellent G-spot stimulation. You can try this position with lube for dryness for enhanced experience.

    How to perform it: The receiving partner should lie facedown with their legs straight out and their hips slightly raised. Then, from behind, their partner enters them.

  • Face-Off

  • The receiving partner is more receptive to, well, getting everything their partner has to offer because the legs are wider in this position. Another fantastic thing about this one is that the receiver gets to decide how fast and deep they want their partner's penis or strap-on to travel. In addition, this position allows hands to freely roam over each other's bodies.

    How to perform it: The receiving partner sits in their lap facing them while the giving partner is seated on a chair or the edge of a bed.

  • Missionary

  • This one is a classic for good reason—it combines closeness with intense arousal.

    How to perform it: To ensure that both partners are face to face, the receiving partner lies back and their partner lies on top.

  • Doggy style

  • Because of its downward slant, the doggy-style position permits deep penetration. It's also excellent for stimulating the G-spot! This is also a great position to have anal sex with the help of lubricant for anal sex.

    How to perform it:  The recipient gets down on all fours, and their partner enters from behind, kneeling right behind them. 

  • The Caboose
  • You won't be using this as your primary sex position, thus it will seem like a completely different world below. Because of its novelty, the puncture may appear deeper than it is. This is also a great clit stimulator. Furthermore, since you never know what your spouse will surprise you with next, being unable to see them work on your body can be immensely exciting.

    How to perform it: The receiving partner sits on their lap while facing the penetrating partner, who is seated.

  • Scoop Me Up
  • The entering partner can move their body to provide maximum depth because they have more support and leverage in this sex posture. This one is particularly ideal for when you're both weary but still in the mood because it's so comfortable.

    How to perform it: Assume the spooning posture while lying side by side. In order to allow their partner to enter them from behind, the little spoon slightly bends their knees.

  • The Seashell
  • The receiver's wide-spread legs give the move much greater depth. In addition, as their spouse grinds against them, the receiver will feel some clitoral stimulation from the providing partner's pelvis in this posture.

    How to perform it: The recipient holds their ankles as close to their head as they can while lying on their back with their legs extended upward. The providing partner then approaches them in a missionary manner.

  • Pretzel Dip
  • You gain both the physical and emotional depth in this sex position. You can still make eye contact, but your doggy style is more deeply ingrained.

    How to perform it: The recipient should lie on their side. The recipient's left leg is then coiled around their left side as their partner kneels, straddling their right leg.

  • Leapfrog
  • The elevated hips in this position enable extremely deep penetration, much like the Flatiron. Additionally, placing a sex pillow beneath the recipient's pelvis can greatly assist their partner in locating the G-spot while also relieving some pressure off the receiver's back.

    How to perform it: The recipient gets on all fours; they then place their head and arms on the bed while maintaining an elevated hip angle. The spouse who penetrates comes from behind.

  • Ballet Dancer
  • The receiver can try placing their elevated leg over their partner's shoulder to create a wider leg opening, which will truly make this position stand out for deep penetration. However, an in-person role remains an excellent choice even if it requires a little too much flexibility.

    How to perform it: The receiver should stand on one foot, facing their partner, and support themselves by wrapping their other leg over the giver's waist.

  • Wheelbarrow
  • It makes for an excellent deep-penetration scenario when the receiver's legs are practically locked around their partner's hips. Moreover, it provides an intense arm workout. Additionally, you may adjust and rest your arms on a table or the edge of the bed anytime you need to give them a break.

    How to perform it: The giving partner should take up the receiver by the pelvis once they get on their hands and feet. The recipient then clasps their waist between their thighs.

  • Pinball Wizard
  • This sex position encourages deep thrusts because the receiving partner's legs are wide. For deeper penetration, they can even attempt tossing one leg up against their partner's shoulder.

    How to perform it: The receiver places their own weight on their shoulders and takes a half bridge position. Next, the partner who is penetrating moves into a kneeling position.

    Wrapping Up

    In order to fully penetrate, there are a few safety considerations you should be aware of while having sex. Therefore, it's a good idea to be aware that, if you're not careful, the intensity of this kind of sex could result in pain or even injury. To have deep sex with your lover and work magic in your bedroom, adopt the aforementioned positions.

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